Thanks for checking out the LeagueSafe Classifieds. It looks like you’re just about ready to join a league. Before you do that, we’d like to make sure that you review the following.

Curtis Thompson has setup this league with instructions on what to do once you have made your payment. This message will be delivered to your email after payment.

Poolguys Golden God Survivor (BIG) - 58k last year ($100 gets you 5 entries)

You pay $100 and you get 5 entries. After that, it's $25 per entry and if you buy 4, every 5th one is free.

League Settings & Rules

Pretty simple, pick the winners. No mulligans. No re-picking teams. Double pick only in wk 15. (First week after all the byes)

Ties are LOSSES; and if you forget to pick, the system gives you the biggest favorite that you have left.

Last year’s pot was 58k. 2022 was 54k 2021 was $41k. It was $32k in 2020.. $25,000+ in 2019. , $21,110 2018,. $19,1000 2017. . $13,275 pot in 2016. $9500 pot in 2015. This game is growing folks. Invite your friends, split entry fees. This is life-changing money. Trend would say this is hitting 60k this year.

You are about to join Golden God Survivor '24 by Poolguy. Please review the league settings carefully. By continuing to make a payment into this league you are agreeing to all settings displayed by your commissioner. In the next step you will be required to make your payment to complete the process of joining this league.

If you do not agree with all of the league settings displayed, contact Curtis Thompson.


NFL 2024

NFL 2024 has a payment deadline of 9/8/2024 and can payout funds on 12/31/2024.


Your commissioner is Curtis Thompson

Curtis Thompson has been with LeagueSafe since 2/13/2013 and has collected dues for 1350 leagues.

View Commissioner's Profile


Entry fee for this league is $100.00


Sunday, September 8, 2024


No reimbursement allowed

Not activated, no funds can be withdrawn by the commissioner for league management fees.

Payment Settings

Payments can be made with E-Check

Free payments can be made via e-check (an electronic transaction using your bank account) only.


Commissioner has defined payouts:

Winner takes all.

Pot last year was 54k. 2021 was $41k. It was $32k in 2020.. $25,000+ in 2019......

Majority Approval

All league members will be given an opportunity to vote on the commissioner's assigned end-of-season winnings. Funds will be distributed to league winners in accordance with the commissioner's assigned payouts unless a majority of league members vote against the allocation.