Thanks for checking out the LeagueSafe Classifieds. It looks like you’re just about ready to join a league. Before you do that, we’d like to make sure that you review the following.

Deep dynasty league forming 24 teams H2H drafting. ASAF

Brand new 24 team dynasty league forming. Are you sick of dominating 10,12,16 team leagues like me? H2H 7 games a week

League Settings & Rules


  • 16 team league in 4 four team divisions. Divisions will be reshuffled in even years based on standings. Div.1 = Teams 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 Div.2 = Teams 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22 Div.3 = Teams 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23 Div.4 = Teams 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24

  • AL and NL players with weekly lineups.

  • Head to head scoring – 7 games a week – 22 regular week season

  • Playoffs start in week 23 and last for 3 periods.


  1. maximum of 49 players at all times and 10 DL spots
  2. minimum of 27 players at all times
  3. 19 Active players You must start 1C, 1 1B, 1 2B, 1 SS, 1 3B, 1 MI, 1 CI, 1 LF, 1 CF, 1 RF, 1 U, 5SP, 2RP, 1P (either SP or RP)
  4. 10 Reserves of your choice. *Does not have to include Minor Leaguers but may
  5. 20 Minor leaguers must have at least 5 at all times.
  6. Only players signed to a MLB club are eligible. No amateur, foreign or independent players are eligible.

All rosters must be legal – illegal rosters will not accrue points (no minor leaguers in your starting lineup)


  • Players must have 5 games played (previous season) or 5 games played (current season) at a position to be eligible
  • Rookies are only eligible at their CBS listed positions when they first play and then are eligible as above


  • A player qualifies as a minor leaguer if he has = or less than 130 at bats/ 50 innings pitched before the season starts. If a player meets these limits he is eligible to remain in the owners minor league status for that season. The Owner may shuttle said player at any time between his Minor league roster, Reserve roster and Active roster Once a player hits the above numbers a player must be put on the reserve roster, active roster or dropped from the team's roster before the Supplemental Draft next season.
  • If a player who has exceeded these limits prior to the season is found on an Owners Minor league roster, said player will be dropped from the team and placed on waivers. *As long as a player starts the season at or below these limits he may be placed in the minor league system.


  • FA pickups are first-come first-served. There will be a 48 hr waiver for players dropped from another Owners roster.
  • Beginning Waiver Request Order will be reverse order of Draft. Waivers will be re-set every week in the reverse order of the standings
  • Trade deadline will be August 15th each year.
  • You may pick up and drop Minor leaguers during the season as long as they meet the above limits. Minors may only be picked up through September 1st each year. After that date teams may no longer pick up players who are minor league eligible. This includes all September call ups, if they meet the above limits they can not be picked up after sept. 1st.
  • MLB Amateur June Draftees are not allowed to be picked up during the season. These players are specifically for our Supplemental drafts to begin each season.
  • Any foreign or international player not signed before the season starts will not be allowed to be picked up in season. Any player who signs after the season has started will be included with our June draftees and only be eligible in the following seasons supplemental draft.

Playoff Rosters - Only playoff teams can add drop once the playoffs start. Any player dropped by a playoff team will remain in the FA pool for next years draft, also any players added during the playoffs will be dropped once that playoff team is eliminated from the playoffs or once the playoffs end, they all go back into the FA pool for next years draft.

If a Player is picked up and dropped in the same 24 hr period he will not have to clear the 48 hr waivers to be picked up by another team. Said Player will be eligible to be picked up by any team right away as a FA by posting a claim on the league site and I will use commish powers to add him to your team. Please declare your drop as well if you do not have an open roster spot.

DISABLED LIST Only players who are placed on the real life major league disabled list are eligible for the fantasy disabled list. Once a player comes off the disabled list he must be removed from the DL by the start of the next period. (Ie: a player comes off the DL on Saturday he must be removed from the DL by the start of the next weeks play, if a player comes off the DL on Monday night after the week has started he may stay until the following weeks play) and a player must be dropped off the roster immediately if the roster is at its maximum. If players are kept on a teams DL past the start of the next scoring period that player will be removed from the roster and placed on waivers.


  1. No team can exceed the maximum roster limit during the season. Once brought to the commissioner's attention, any draft pick, trade or free agent acquisition will automatically be voided if it puts any/either team over the maximum roster limit. Draft picks must be dealt before the time expires for that pick to be made, or it is lost without compensation.
  2. You may not include future considerations in a trade. All aspects of a trade must be made known at the time the deal is made.
  3. YOU MUST PAY THE LEAGUE FEE FOR NEXT YEAR IF YOU WANT TO TRADE YOUR DRAFT PICKS for the season. Supplemental Draft picks for the following season.
  4. You may only trade picks for the following year. You may not trade draft picks for future years.
  5. . If you want your trade to go through for the following week it must be completed before games start on Monday. If anyone's involved in the trade has had their team play, the trade will become valid the following period.
  6. In the event the commissioner is part of a trade, there are 2 co commissioners to send potential vetos to.
  7. Trade deadline is August 15th.

VETO SYSTEM Trade Vetoes: A trade request sent to the commish is executed after both owners submit and accept the trade on the website. CBS will send out notification to the league (ensure you set your e-mail alerts). Once the trade has been executed there will be a 48 hr. window in which to protest. 2 Protests by owners will automatically send the trade up for vote. The protesters must submit an argument (only to the commissioner) as to why the trade should be up for vote. Arguments against the trade must be valid or not vote. Also a request to the 2 trading parties will be able to voice there reasons for the trade (only to the commissioner). The voting panel will be the remaining 11 owners (will not include the protesters, commissioner, or the parties that traded) every owner on the panel must vote unless I get 6 decisions that either approve or kill the trade. It must be a majority veto to kill the deal, in other words 6 votes out of 8 will either approve or kill the trade. Votes must be kept confidential so no feathers get ruffled. Once a panel has made a decision I do not want to hear another word about the trade. The commissioner will not issue a trade veto request unless he feels there was cheating involved or if he feels that a trade can be a total detriment to the league and if that is the case there will be no vote, the trade will be outright vetoed with penalties in place. -This rule is in place to prevent real lopsided deals -Owners should not vote on a trade based on how the deal affects them.


  • Entry fee is $200

Each week there is a $50 a week, Team of the Week prize. This is for the team with highest point score for the week. There are 23 weeks for TOW. This gives all owners a chance to win. First place finisher will receive $1500. Second place finisher will receive $800. Third Place finisher will receive $400 Division winners will each receive $200.

If an owner is not coming back, he is required to let commissioner know by June 30th in order to cash out team at the end of year, otherwise, prizes below $200 will be kept towards entry fee for the following year.

*Prize money will be adjusted, as all Monies received will be paid out less League costs/expenses.


  1. This will be determined by record against the opponent in question. For example, If Team A and Team B are tied then we will look up their record against each other during the regular season. If Team A was 2-0 against Team B then Team A advances to the playoffs.
  2. If this does not solve the tiebreaker then we will go with whichever has the most points scored for the whole season. Then Division record.

PLAYOFFS Playoff Matchups. 1)There will be 3 rounds total. 2) The 4 Division winners and the next 4 teams with the best record regardless of division will make the playoffs. 3) Once again if the teams in question are tied for the best records we will follow the above rules under Wildcard and Division Tiebreakers. 4) Schedule for playoffs is as follow, 1v8, 2v7, 3v6, 4v5 then semis, then finals. The highest seed will always play the lowest seed still in the playoffs.

DRAFT 38 Round draft. Held on the league site hosted by CBS. This will be an extended draft; meaning there will be an 8 hour clock in which to make your pick as we have owners from all over the country and in some cases in other countries. Please be considerate of other owners but make your picks a soon as you are available to keep things moving along. The clock will stop at 12 AM est. and re-start at 9 AM est. There will be only one draft to fill your roster of 19 active players (must fill all active positions stated above), 9 Reserve (any position and can also be minor league status players) and 20 minor leaguers (at least 10 of the players you draft must meet the minor league limit stated above). Only players signed to a Major league club will be available for the draft. Yes players not in the CBS database are available to be drafted as long as they are signed to a Major League Club.

Draft order to be determined randomly. You may trade your draft pick(s) or draft spot (if trading your draft spot, this must be done 48hrs before the draft starts.)


  1. Order is determined from worst to best record, with final 2 championship teams have last picks.
  2. If for some reason teams are tied we will go by the best record against their opponent.
  3. If there is still a tie we will go by points for on the season.
  4. If there is still a tie we go by best division record.
  5. Draft will be a straight draft from here forward to allow the lower teams to a better chance to rebuild.
  6. Draft will be 10 rounds. Teams must be under roster limits before draft begins. Roster limits will be suspended during the draft.
  7. All entry fees must be paid prior to the draft!!!

** very important (notice the 2 asterisks)

  • all free agents are eligible for draft this includes (1) unlisted (2) amateur (3) international

**** and the most important (yes...(.4 asterisks) (1) if you sign an amateur or international player and he doesn't sign with a mlb team by opening day - he will be placed back in the player pool and will not be eligible until next feb draft

There is a risk when signing these players

We reserve the right to eject any owner(s) for non-payment or behavior deemed detrimental to the league. If an owner is ejected from the league, franchise fees will not be returned. All Payments must be made in before the draft. Teams in default will be sold in the off-season and ran by the commish during the year. We will also post the team for sale during the season.

Quitting: If an owner decides to quit during the season he will forfeit his entry fee. In the event that an owner should abandon his team during the season the commissioner would take ownership of the team and will run the team until a new owner is found. Weekly changes could be made to assure the integrity of the league and ensure equal competition. No roster adjustments will be made until a new owner is found ASAP.

Cheating: Will not be tolerated. If someone is cheating then the week will be forfeited and in some extreme cases he will be banished from the league.

Bumps in the Road: I think the rules are very complete, but there is always a time when an issue comes up that is not in the rules. I will do my best to address the issue to the satisfaction of the league as a whole and not to an individual. Please do not bring an issue of anything to the league. Bring issues to my attention and I will address it to the satisfaction of the league.

You are about to join Ultimate Fantasy baseball. Please review the league settings carefully. By continuing to make a payment into this league you are agreeing to all settings displayed by your commissioner. In the next step you will be required to make your payment to complete the process of joining this league.

If you do not agree with all of the league settings displayed, contact Gil Ceder.


MLB 2025

MLB 2025 has a payment deadline of 5/1/2025 and can payout funds on 9/1/2025.


Your commissioner is Gil Ceder

Gil Ceder has been with LeagueSafe since 1/25/2024 and has collected dues for 1 leagues.

View Commissioner's Profile


Entry fee for this league is $200.00


Thursday, May 1, 2025


No reimbursement allowed

Not activated, no funds can be withdrawn by the commissioner for league management fees.

Payment Settings

Payments can be made with Credit/Debit Card or E-check

A processing fee applies to all payment options.


Commissioner has defined payouts:

Majority Approval

All league members will be given an opportunity to vote on the commissioner's assigned end-of-season winnings. Funds will be distributed to league winners in accordance with the commissioner's assigned payouts unless a majority of league members vote against the allocation.